Monday, June 2, 2014

Shawn’s Encounters With Pathetic Negro Males

 I was on my way to the library a few weeks ago when this kid in saggin sweats, a T-shirt and nappy hair runs up on me saying “Yo, boss can I get a dollar to buy some…”

I don’t know what was more appaling his apelike body language or his  dialect Boss? Where did this guy come from, the Plantation? Or did he get off the Coon Train? Dude was acting just like a slave.

The saddest part about the incident was this Negro has an iphone in his pocket and air Jordan sneakers on his feet. What the hell is he doing asking me for my money? Money I worked for? He’s got over $500 on his back and in his pocket. But he wants my dollar?

Pardon my language but, get the fuck out of here.

Now this wasn’t my first encounter with Negro males like this. There were several more I’ve run into in my neighborhood like this. Guys who are dressed up in $200 jeans and $250 sneakers, but they feel they have the audacity to come up to me and ask for a quarter, a dollar or whatever.

These guys have no shame in their game. And they don’t see how pathetic they look.

Another incident I had about a week ago was at the 167th Street train station on the 4 Train line. I was taking some packages to the Post office to ship to customers and this Negro male in a T-shirt and sagging pants is like “I can give you a swipe for $2.” Knowing buying swipes is illegal, I just ignore the dude and head for the MetroCard Vending machines to pay for a legit train ride.

On seeing me go to the vending machine, This Bitch-Made™ Negro on not getting the sale from me then makes a crack on how I look like Carl Winslow from Family Matters. I shook my head and kept heading up the stairs to the downtown trains. Clearly this Negro male came from a female headed household, because only a Bitch-Made™ Negro male from a single mother household makes statements like that after not getting their way.

Seriously, emulating the behavior of a single mom who wants to get the last word in is not an effective sales technique. And hustling rides on the train is a fast way to get locked up here in New York City.

The way I see it, I have too much to lose to get involved with Coons to let them bait me into an argument that could possibly cost me my freedom or my life. They can keep talking. Me, I’ll keep it moving.

A true to the game hustler would take NO for an answer and keep grinding. Because they know if it ain’t about dollars it don’t make sense. And the time they take being upset over someone saying NO is time they could take to get to YES. In the hustling game it’s all about averages. You’re gonna strike out most of the time. But in the face of NO you’ll get that yes if you keep pushing.

Now I don’t mind helping brothers and sisters. But I’m not about to get involved with grimy Negroes running pulling bum ass hustles. There’s a dozen ways to make money out here and 11 of them aren’t illegal.

I see Black CHILDREN selling candy they BOUGHT from BJ’s and flipping the entire box for $200 a day. I see Hispanic guys hustling water during the summertime. Mexicans hustling tamales and churros. Africans selling ginger or phone cards. I can respect their hustles. Because just like them I grind trying to sell these eBooks and paperbacks. And for the past month I’ve been grinding trying to sell stuff on eBay.

But you’re telling me grown ass Black men got to beg for change?

Bitch-Made™ Negro males have to beg and do illegal stuff like MetroCard Swipes, Food Stamp hustles, and begging for change outside of stores because they lack the social skills to grind and hustle. So they have to scavenge for change while the rest of the world makes dollars.

It just disgusts me to see grown ass Negro males dressed up in the latest with iphones in their hands running up on me asking for a dollar or a quarter, or trying to sell me a ride on the train for change. WTF is this shit? You telling me this male can have money for a pair of $200 Jordans, $250 True Religion Jeans, and a $500 iphone, but he gotta beg for change to get something to eat?


I know it’s hard out here, but come on. Black men can do better than this. Raggedy Negroes like this are part of the reason why no one takes the Black race seriously. Get your shit together Black man. You can do better than this.


  1. Shawn,

    you miss the point.

    Begging is a hustle. Its a job.

    You'd be surprised to see how much money a good pan handler makes daily.

    A lazy pan handler starves just like a lazy person in any other line of work.

    Don't hate on the brothers. Keep your self loathing to yourself and stop projecting onto black men.

    Pan handling is a totally legit way to earn a living. You ask for money and people decide whether to give it to you or not. It takes a lot of balls to do that actually - and its legal.

    ever heard of Red Cross, Salvation Army ???? they do the same thing. In this case at least you know for a fact that the money you give goes to the individual directly to help their needs and not the CEO six figure salary.

    Stop hating.

  2. Hate to tell you Mr. Anonymous but the examples Shawn gave are considered illegal in most states.
    The point that you miss is Shawn talking about how these guys can have money for everything that they don't need but nothing for what they do need.

    What good are $200 Jordans if you have to wait on the bus? What good is all that expensive stuff? To showoff to folks who don't care?

    FYI-Panhandling is NOT legal in most states and can get you locked up. The Red Cross & Salvation Army are different because you can see what they do with the money.

    You see them putting the money to good use not and not buying drugs, Jordans or whatever useless stuff the guys Shawn talked about.

  3. Hate to tell you Mr. Anonymous but the examples Shawn gave are considered illegal in most states.
    The point that you miss is Shawn talking about how these guys can have money for everything that they don't need but nothing for what they do need.

    What good are $200 Jordans if you have to wait on the bus? What good is all that expensive stuff? To showoff to folks who don't care?

    FYI-Panhandling is NOT legal in most states and can get you locked up. The Red Cross & Salvation Army are different because you can see what they do with the money.

    You see them putting the money to good use not and not buying drugs, Jordans or whatever useless stuff the guys Shawn talked about.

  4. Anonymous:
    Begging is not a job. It's what you do when you have no life skills to get a job.

    Here in New York Swiping, panhandling are all ILLEGAL and can get you locked up.

    Red Cross and Salvation Army are 50l(c) nonprofits with books and accounting.

    Seriously, these dudes have $200 sneakers and a $500 phone and asking for cash looks SAD. You can't justify that as legit. As the other commenter said, what good is that stuff if you're waiting for a bus?

    My point is what is a well-dressed dude doing begging for change? If you got the money for gear then you can BUY what you need. There's an eBay app on that iphone and PayPal is FREE. The tools for a business are in the hands of the Negros' hands but most refuse to use them.

  5. Your hatred for single moms is astounding. You don't know anything about this brother, don't know his circumstances or life story, but you automatically assume that his smart mouth could only have come from having a single mom. Bitch Made? Really? You don't even know this dude or his mom, but because you don't like what he did and said, she must be a bitch and he the product of a bitch. This is what Shawn James thinks is logical reasonable thought.

    You've got some talent, as a Creative Writing Masters candidate myself, I can see that in your writing samples. But you sabotage yourself with your unwarranted hate and misogynistic thinking. No wonder you're not taken seriously in the writing world. You announce yourself as a spite - spitting closet bully before people have a chance to read your stuff.

    One thing I didn't see you write (and haven't in all your blogs) is how you tell the hateful, nasty things you say about people to their faces. Instead of condemning this confused, conniving brother AND his mom, recognize that all exist in darkness before seeing the light (par. Plato, Republic). Being a source of that light requires love not hate. You are a part of the problem you say you despise, for you condemn and count worthless your own kind instead of uplifting them. It's easier, but does more harm than good.

  6. You yourself are disrespectful, a hater, a name caller, and a misogynist. You prove yourself to be so by your ugly assumptions. Yet you came from a two parent home. What does that day about how you were raised? My 15-year-old son knows more about tact, diplomacy and regarding people equally, coming from my single mom household, than you do having had a dad in the house. Didn't help much with your positivism, huh?

    I know plenty of thoughtless, direspectful, heartless do-nothings from single and married homes alike. As a teacher, some of the most dedicated to their child's education were single moms. I have also known married dads who cheated on wives, beat their kids, gambled away their money, got on drugs, and spent little or no time with their families. Yet the women will never leave so they can keep up appearances and not be relegated to the dreaded state of single motherhood because of people who label them---and their kids---like you do.

    And you are absolutely right. The single mom blog has nothing to do with what you wrote here. And, as far as you can know, single moms have nothing to do with the disrespect you got from that young man. I know it made you mad. But every wal thing that comes out of your mouth can't be blamed on your mom. Why blame his?

    1. Why do you call yourself Sweet Lady when you're more like Sour Lady?

  7. Who you should be marketing to is thoughtful, logical, eclectic readers who understand that proving a point means more than feeling very strongly about it. All the support you're getting from fellow haters is not translating into book sales because THE VERY PEOPLE who support your point of view are the SAME NON READERS YOU LAMENT. Look at the responses. Other than spell-check errors (like I made in some of my posts, sorry), many of your commentators seldom use proper grammar, capitalize randomly, and make illogical connections. Is this your market? Really? Who you attracting with all that hate? And why telling like it is can't ever, ever, ever be positive when it comes to your position on blacks?

    You've expounded prolifically on the ills and woes of blacks. Can I read a Shawn James post where you at least try to bring out a positive aspect of the black condition? If you can't find one, maybe you need to move.

    1. If you come from a single parent household, then you're the exception that proves the rule.

  8. Spell check, they're not getting it, sorry again.
