Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Shawn James Book People Aren’t Reading

It’s one of my best novels. Acclaimed by both book clubs and readers. Unfortunately I haven’t sold an eBook copy of it in over a year and a paperback copy in two years.

What’s the title of that book? The Temptation of John Haynes.

When I first published The Temptation of John Haynes in 2011, it was one of my best selling novels. The paperback version sold fairly well, and the eBook version sold even better than the paperback. For a moment it looked like it was going to be my breakthrough novel. But over the last few years it’s gone nowhere. So I’m rallying readers on why they should pick up a copy of it.

Here are some of the reviews the book has received over the years:

The concept of the “The Temptation of John Haynes” was very good and held my attention from the first page.- OOSA Online Book Club”

“Mr. James has penned a winner with the Temptation of John Haynes.” APOOO Book Club

“A wonderful read that kept me reading for hours straight. I finished it in less than 2 days!” – A reader on itunes.

“I look forward to many more books by this fine young writer.” National best-selling author Francine Craft. 

The Temptation of John Haynes is action packed African-American fantasy filled with passion, action adventure, drama romance and heart. It’s a book that will compel you to read it from first page to last. It’s a story that you’ll never forget once you’ve read it.

I’ll go on record saying The Temptation of John Haynes features some of my best writing. This was the book where I believe I took my writing to the next level creatively. Temptation was the story where I learned how to effectively use literary elements like irony, foreshadowing and symbolism effectively. It was the story where I mastered how to write complex multidimensional characters who had humanity and spirit. It’s a book that I believe will make readers think as they’re being entertained by the story.

Out of all the books I’ve written The Temptation of John Haynes remains my favorite story. Every time I read it I discover something new between the lines of it. Once you buy it I’d have to recommend you read it twice, because on the second reading is where you’ll start to see the artistry and nuances in the storytelling.

The Temptation of John Haynes was the story where I came into my craft as a writer. All the creative writing techniques I learned from the writing of that story I’ve continued to use in my screenplays like All About Marilyn, to my recent novel The Thetas. Creatively, Temptaiton was the book that was the turning point in my writing career.

Whenever I read The Temptation of John Haynes it plays like a movie in my mind. And I want more people to have that experience from reading. I want them to see how great this story is. I believe when they discover what makes this book great they’ll tell their friends about it like many people did in 2011.

If you’ve read some of my other books, then you really should pick up The Temptation of John Haynes. If you’re a fan of the Isis series or if you’ve followed the Isis series over the last year, then reading The Temptation of John Haynes is essential. This story is the turning point in E’steem’s life. If you want to see how she changed and why she changed you have to read this story.

And if you’ve read The Thetas, then reading The Temptation of John Haynes is essential as well. This is the story which shows the woman Colleen grew up to become.

I’m really urging readers to pick up a copy of The Temptation of John Haynes in paperback or for your e-readers. It’s a great book that deserves to find its audience, and I believe you need to give this book a chance. You can pick up a copy in paperback and eBook on, Barnes and and in eBook format at Smashwords and iTunes.

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