Friday, October 11, 2013

Montana Fishbune-A Hard Lesson for Black Women about the Entertainment Business

Two years after her infamous debut in the Porn Industry Montana Fishburne is expressing regrets about participating in porn movies.

Fishburne says “young women might have a sucky life if they particpate in porn.


Fishburne seems to be disappointed that participating in porn didn’t launch her career in the same fashion as Kim Kardashian.

Motana should have read Shawn’s blog back in 2010. I warned everyone this is going to happen to her back then.

The Porn Industry is not a place where people go to launch careers in the entertainment business. It’s where desperate people go when they can’t go anyplace else. Women like Jamiee Foxworth wind up doing porn movies because they needed the money to feed a drug habit.

Poor Montana Fishburne had no idea the porn industry turns over performers faster than fast food. The average porn career barely lasts a year at best on average and five years tops. No one stays in porn for the long term. The business puts not only wear and tear on performers’ bodies, but their minds as well.

Once Vivid Entertainment made its money off Fishburne, they moved on. This is what happens in the porn business all the time. Girls make movies for a few months or a year or two then they just move on. And because there’s a steady stream of girls coming off the Greyhound buses on Seventh Street to replace performers once they decide to leave the business no one cares if a performer quits, gets a veneral disease, dies, or commits suicide.

Fishburne also complains that she was only paid $60,000 upfront and didn’t get 70 percent royalties on video sales.

Sadly, no one told Montanta Fishburne how the porn industry works. In the Porn industry no one is ever paid any royalties.

In the porn business you get your money up front. That’s the way the business has been since it started. Cash if possible. These Porn production companies don’t stay in business long enough for the check to clear. The whole mantra of the porn business is get the cash and go.

In fact, Fishburne was paid 60 times more than the top porn stars for a scene. Top White and Hispanic porn stars like Lisa Ann, Mason Storm, and Angelica Sin are paid only $1000 a scene. $1500 if they do an anal scene.

Black porn stars like Isis Nile, Nina De Ponca, Nikki Fairchild, Heather Hunter get paid far less. Some Black porn stars barely get paid less than $200 a scene

Montana Fishburne got a huge payday compared to other Black Porn stars and other Black newcomers. New actresses in the Porn industry are lucky if they get $150 a scene.

With most porn shoots going twelve to sixteen hours a day that roughly comes out to about $12 an hour. Extras on big-budget movies like The Dark Knight and Iron Man make that in one day for just standing around. Most PA’s make that kind of money in a day or two just going for coffee. Even most retail jobs pay more than porn.

$200 for sucking dicks and letting strangers run in and out of your orifices seems like the performers aren’t just getting not just getting fucked over onscreen, but fucked over in real life as well.

Most Porn stars cannot make a living just doing movies.  No, Porn actresses have to find other sources of income to make a living throughout the year. Most of the more popular porn stars make their money doing strip shows across the country in clubs, working in escort services, or they turn tricks in places like the Bunny Ranch. The poorest girls wind up turning tricks on the Sunset Strip.

Poor Montana Fishburne never did the research on the porn industry before jumping into the business. If only she had watched Shelley Luben’s videos on YouTube or just did a simple Google search she could have had this moment of clarity two years ago.  There is no fame or fortune in the porn industry.

Fishburne is also displeased that she didn’t get the reality shows and clothing lines like Kim Kardashian.

If only Montana understood the differences between Hollywood in Black and White.

Kim Kardashian had White Privilege. She could have done that porn movie with Ray J and White Supremacist Hollywood would have celebrated her.

Black women do not get that privilege. The Black woman is stigmatized with the Jezebel stereotype from the day they are born. In White Supremacist Hollywood, a Black woman being sexualized is considered the norm. It is considered part of her nature to be lascivious and promiscuous. White Supremacists in Hollywood expect a Black woman to be in pornographic films. It’s nothing special to them.

Hollywood has little use for a Black woman. She’s the least valued member of the entertainment industry. She doesn’t get the choice roles and screenwriters don’t go out of their way to write scripts for her. Most Black actresses, even top ones like Halle Berry and Kerry Washington have to fight for whatever leftover roles they find in the dumpsters at Hollywood production companies.  Outside of mammy, whore and side piece, there aren’t many jobs for Black actresses.

Fishburne also goes on to say that if you’re going to be in porn you have to have a very clear head.

I’m gonna disagree with her on this. People with clear heads don’t go into porn. No. people with clear heads do things like go to college, or they learn a skill trade. Again, The only people who jump into porn blindly are people who are desperate. People with no way to make money and no networking or business skills. There are a dozen legit jobs a person can find on coming to L.A for credits such as extra work or art modeling at a college campus. And all of them pay more than working in porn movies.

Fishburne now says she wants to go to school. If she had done this from the jump four years ago I guarantee we’d be seeing her in films right now.  With her father’s connections she could have gotten some decent roles. Heck, Even Tyler Perry could have given her a first job on one of his sitcoms, stage plays or movies.

There is no fast track to fame in the entertainment business. Everyone has to pay their dues. Everyone has to start out with the D Agents and on the D list. Everyone has to start out taking the extra jobs, bit roles. Everyone has to take the acting classes. Acting is a craft and the only way to get skills is to get work.

Montana Fishburne learned some hard lessons about the entertainment business. I’m hoping she finally is taking steps towards getting her life in order. With her only being 22, there’s still time for her to have a great life and a promising career.  I wish her the best of luck and hopes she pulls it together.


  1. hey nice post meh, I love your style of blogging here. this post reminds me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog: Make Girls Fall For You .
    keep up the good work friend. I will be back to read more of your posts.

