Saturday, August 24, 2013


Some say we need movies like the Butler and The Help because we need to teach the Black kids of today their history.

I’m sorry, I don't agree with that argument.

Movies like TheButler and The Help are whitewashed, revisionist tales created by White Liberals and Hankerchief head Negroes to make White people feel comfortable about the position of Black people in society. When they watch these movies and see po’ miserable Black folks at the BOTTOM of society, it makes them feel secure about their place on top in White Supremacist AmeriKKKa.

I consider it child abuse to let a Black child watch movies like The Butler, The Help, or Precious. These movies don’t teach Black history. They teach White Supremacy. In between the lines of these movies is a destructive message that a Black person cannot achieve any type of success in AmeriKKKa without the support and favor of a “great White Savior” who approves of them.

If anything, these movies promote the idea that White people are Black People’s Gods. And if Good little niggers know their place they’ll receive a reward from their White Jesus for not challenging White Supremacy.

Worse, they are filled with historical inaccuracies and re-written in such a way to make white people appear to be superior. Did you know that the Butler in Lee Daniels movie was never a butler in real life, but a manager? Did you know that his wife wasn’t a drunk? No, Lee Daniels re-wrote the story of “the Butler” to fit the narrative of the White Liberals and Black Hankerchief heads like Oprah Winfrey he was pandering to in order to present an image of Black people they felt comfortable with.

In their eyes Black people can only be seen in film as shuffling servants, whorish jezebels, sexually depraved brutes or other old racist stereotypes repackaged in brand new boxes. And because White Liberals put their pet Negroes like Oprah Winfrey up in front of these dehumanizing images to sell them, Black folks and White folks buy into them not knowing they’ve just been spoonfed rat poision.

I would NEVER let a child watch such films because they do not present an accurate reflection of African-American history. If anything, these images are nothing but poison to a young Black mind.

Some also justify movies like the Butler saying that we need to hear about the bad parts of Black history.

Again, that argument does not wash with me.

All White Liberal Hollywood presents are the negative parts of Black history. All we’ve gotten from Hollywood since its inception are stories about shuffling servants, slaves, downtrodden Negroes, Whorish Black bitches, Jivetime Niggers and other bottom-feeders of the Black community. Outside of a short period from 1971-2000, we haven’t seen many positive images of Black people in AmeriKKKan media.

Just like Hollywood can focus on the worst parts of Black history, they can focus on the best parts of it. But Hollywood only focuses on the worst parts of Black life because it fits the patronizing narrative of the White liberal and makes White moviegoers feel comfortable about the low position of society.

And just like we have movies about butlers and maids, why don’t we have movies about our great inventors like Dr. Charles Richard Drew and George Washington Carver? Why don’t we have movies about our great Black diplomats like Ralph Bunche? Why don’t we have a movie about Black Wall Street or a Black town? Why don’t we have a movie about our great educators like Ida B. Wells or Mary McLeod Bethune? Why is there no movie about Matthew Henson the great Black explorer or Shirley Chisolm, the first Black woman to get elected to Congress? Why are there next to no stories about the Black middle class? Why not a story about a Black family dealing with Affirmative action, or Busing in the 1970’s?

All those stories would make fascinating and entertaining movies, but Hollywood won’t make them. Why?

Because the White Liberal is uncomfortable about presenting images of Black empowerment. Those images would make many uncomfortable about competing with Black people.

Others say we need movies like The Butler because schools don’t teach Black history.

And again, that argument does not wash with me.

I’m sorry Black folks but that’s not your local public schools’ job to teach Black children Black history. No, brothers and sisters, It’s our job to teach our children Black history. It’s our job to go out and get the books, the magazines and the movies and teach our kids Black history. That’s how I learned Black history growing up and that’s how your kids should learn Black history. There are a ton of resources out there including Wikipedia and YouTube videos that will give a young brotha or a sister a TRUE chronicle of Black history. We just choose not to take advantage of those tools.

No, we just keep waiting for White People to tell us about ourselves instead of showing them who we really are.

I feel bad for the brothers and sisters growing up today with films like The Butler, The Help, and self-hating filmmakers like Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry and Shondra Rhimes. Instead of growing up with images that will inspire them and give them a sense of pride like I did, they’re growing up with images of Black people that degrade and insult us. What most Black people don’t understand is that if you watch too many movies featuring Black people as maids and butlers as children is that when those Black children grow up they only aspire to become maids and butlers, instead of becoming doctors, lawyers, scientists, and engineers like their ancestors were.


  1. Shawn,

    Thank you for writing this. White supremacy is most comfortable with Black stereotypes instead of being challenged with a wide range of Black humanity. The dominant group never see us as human. Ever.

    La Reyna(Stephanie)

  2. When some people see films about history whether there fiction or non fiction it can make them want to no more about history to learn do research online reading etc

  3. Supposedly theres 200million whites and 40million blacks truth is theres not enough room in the job market for everyone to be doctors lawyers scientist just like everyone can't be beyonce oprah jayz 2pac will smith theres not enough even if all blacks had the IQ of a genius doesn't mean they all will be successful doctors engineers etc theres not enough room for everybody eventually majority of them would just have to settle for any job they could get even if it's a minimum wage job I've have had the luxory to travel and meet both blacks and non black people both blacks and non blacks had degrees had to get loans to pay for college they had jobs like macys starbucks dennys they took whatever job they could get to pay off loans debts depending on how long it takes them to finally get higher paying jobs in their field it could take them 10 20 maybe even 30years to pay off the student loans debt

  4. The reason these movies like the butler and the help are filled with a few historical inaccuracies and re-written is not to make a grouo of people of people to feel superior But to make the film kid friendly so blacks an non black people will take there familys to watch theses movies to appear more family friendly to make more money the industry is a business these films are historical fiction meaning some of the script is made up not real actual events if the movie is to violent it want attract the type of audience it was attended for and there for might flop lessor violent historical fiction history films will attract more familys then really violent historical fiction history films even LEE DANIELS said in an interview he had to change the butler cause the studios said it was to violent at first and wouldn't attract the family audience they made him change it to attract the family audience Google It

  5. I meant a group of people to feel superior

  6. White supremacy racism is apart of history

  7. Black men have had a balance between stereotype roles and non stereotype roles they have had roles as doctors lawyers police superheros etc

  8. Black men have played all most everything some of them have had roles that was written as white characters black women haven't caught up with time lmao

  9. The blacks need to learn a creative way to teach there family how to decipher hollywood movies from reality the help and the butler are films just because you watch a film about maids and butlers doesn't mean you have to have a career as one

  10. It's like saying you watch movies about drug dealers pimps and hoes and serial killers now you have to go out and mock these characters action in reality cause you seen it in a hollywood movie lmfao

  11. Thanks La Reyna. That's the point I was tryingto make. We rarely see the humanity of Black people on film.

    Make all the excuses you want for Lee Daniels, it doesn't change my postion on the Butler.

    The big problem in the Black community is we have too many Jay-Z, tupacs and entertainers and not enough Black professionals. Perhaps if we had more Black professionals building businesses we'd be able to keep some of that $1.1 trillion dollars we spend in our community rather than handing it to Koreans, Arabs, Hispanics and White people. 97% of Black dollars go into nonBlack hands Why? Because we have no doctors, lawyers, engineers or business people building wealth in our community.

    We need more doctors, lawyers and engineers. We need more brothers and sisters starting their own businesses.

    Lee Daniels is a bought and paid for tom. He makes all of his movies to exploit the Black masses and play on the White Liberals' emotions.

    "American history is not just black people history it's white people history to white people have just as much rights as the blacks to make these types of films whether it's fiction or not"

    I call bullshit on this. The person with the power can re-write history to fit their views. And with handkerchief heads like Oprah and Lee Daniels Black history is being re-written to fit a White Liberal view instead of an objective one.

    You can't tell me media doesn't influence the way kids think. We've had 20 years of NBA and Hip-hop what do most Black kids want to be now? Rappers and Basketball players. The girls want to be singers like Beyonce. 25 years ago when A Different World was on Black people wanted to be doctors, and lawyers and wanted to go to college. Thanks to that show many brothers and sisters started pursuing professional careers seriously and making plans to start their own business. We've had 10 years of degrading roles in the media. A generation of kids is growing up thinking "Hey I wanna be a butler or a maid when I grow up. Or I'll be a Hoodrat or a thug. Media influences the way people think.

    1. You basically prove that comment right the blacks don't teach there kids how to decipher hollywood movies from reality the media should not influence your kids thats called bad parenting........

    2. 1.1trillion dollars did you just added all the black celebritys wealth up not even all the black celebs put together have that kind of money the common black is not rich or even middle class and have that kind of spending power to make non blacks that rich.......

    3. The celebritys that are really rich made majority of there wealth off of non black people not black people

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I didn't try to deconstruct your postion I did fool

  14. You have to have money in order to have wealth things like property

  15. Unless you inherit things like real estate moron you have to have money

  16. You don't comprehend very well

  17. I get allowance from my parents,both of my parents have jobs. so what your saying don't apply to me

    1. What do you do if they get killed off and they leave you nothing?

  18. I'm not old enough to work yet, so my parents give me allowance. Both of my parents have a stable income, my parents finish school have jobs.....

  19. Again, this blog is not

    Buy one of my other eBooks instead

    like All About Nikki season one:

    Isis: Amari's Revenge:

    Isis: The Ultimate Fight:
    Isis: The Beauty Myth:

    Or Isis: My Sister, My Frenemy:

    All of these are written for younger readers and priced so they won't break the bank on a kid's allowence.

  20. Lee daniels the butler is a commercial success! With 83 million made at the box office so far hah.all races supported the film

  21. Money means nothing. The message of the film is what does damage to Brothers and sisters in the community. So a few sellouts get paid. The cost to the community from imbibing this mess is what does the most damage.

  22. More black movies in production.The success of movies like the help,the butler,django,42movie. More black movies are in production....

  23. Up coming movies with black people. James Brown movie,nina simone movie,12 years a slave

  24. Coming to america great black movie...

  25. The last dragon good black movie

  26. The success of scandal have led to more black actresses cast in lead roles on t.v. Examples meagan good deception,gabrielleunion being mary jane,nicole beharie sleepy hallow...

  27. When night is falling is a good movie with a black actress....

  28. You write screen plays for movies and film. Queen latifah has a production company called flavor unit. Send copys to her company it worked for lena waithe..

  29. Lena waithe the black lena dunham check out her series on youtube called twenties.....

  30. Oh and according to the statistics theres only 40 million blacks in america. Out of the forty million only 12 percent is in poverty. So only 28million are not in poverty and living normal.....

  31. Create characters that black men and women can play. Heros police,military characters soldiers,fire fighters. All those examples are positive heroic jobs that black people can play. There great role models that protect our country and keep us safe. All races can play these type of characters ........

  32. Eddie murphy played the hero in beverly hills cop. A black women could have been eddie murphy character. Black female cops,police,sheriff etc exist this movie made over 300million worldwide

  33. GI Jane a black women could have been demi moore character. Black women exist in the navy write a blog about that.......alot of these scripts that are written for men can be altered and change into a female character that women can play. Write a blog about that.....

  34. The call movie with halle berry. Any race could have been halle berry character......

  35. Black actors need universal fictional storys that all races can play. To cross over and make over 200million worldwide...

  36. William packer raised money through donations,charity and fund his first movie trios. On a 200.000$ budget the movie made 1.2million at the box office. He self distributed his movie himself with out the help of a major famous distributer like warner bros and mgm.......after the success of the movie he got a deal with sony to produce movies....the movies include stomp the yard that made over 100million worldwide. Think like a man which made over 90million at the box office. Obsessed which grossed over 70 million at the box office.........

  37. Are you that kid again?

    Only way I'm gonna raise money to make a movie is if people buy books:
