Dogs are man’s best friend. But some dog owners are absolutely fucktarded when it comes to the basics of caring for a pet. Some of these dog owners are just so fucking irresponsible I want to slap the shit out of them.
Seriously, there should be a law requiring people to take an 8-hour-course with a written exam before they can take ownership of a dog. Because I’ve seen some grown-ass people aren’t smart enough to handle taking care of themselves let alone a goldfish.
There are idiots who walk their dogs on a city street without a leash. These morons arrogantly insist that “their dog will not hurt you” when they charge up to you barking and snarling. No, their dog won’t hurt THEM because they know them. Other people are fair game because dogs are territorial. Worse, other people’s dogs are fair game because dogs are territorial.
Seriously, people this obnoxious should have their pets taken away from them for being so stupid.
Then there are the fools with the pit bulls and the Rottweilers swagger around inner-city neighborhood with unleashed dogs and sagging pants thinking they’re intimidating people. Sorry, but this doesn’t impress anyone.
What’s so cool about showing how irresponsible you are? Someone who walks a dog without a leash is someone who doesn’t understand the basics of pet care.
What these types of dumbasses don’t understand is that a leash is for other people’s safety and the safety of your pet. Leashes keep your dogs under your control. Not just from charging at people, but from running into the street and getting hit by a car.
Moreover, leashes are the law in all 50 states. In some states you can be fined hundreds of dollars for walking a dog without a leash.
In some states you can be held liable if your dog causes harm to someone or damages their property in small claims and civil court.
Then there are the fucktards who tie their dogs in front of stores then go shopping. In their narrow minds “they’re just stopping in for a minute.” Unfortunately, these idiots don’t think of how they inconvenience others with their irresponsible behavior.
I was going to the store one day when some fool tied up his pit bull right in front of the supermarket entrance. While the dog barked and snarled at the entrance, no one could go in the market and those who were inside were left were terrorized by this scared dog as this clueless moron shopped.
Thanks to this dumbass, the business owner lost a whole bunch of money as I and others went to his competitor who had no pets tied out up front. I’m sure a lot of other patrons left that store and didn’t come back thanks to this idiot.
Seriously, how lazy are people that they can’t take a fucking dog back home and then go back to the store? It takes five or ten fucking minutes.
And if I’m a business owner I would have words with stupid asses who do this shit. Even if it costs me their business, I’d tell them to tie up their dogs someplace else. Or better yet, leave them at home when they go shopping. Because business owners are liable if someone is harmed by a dog left tied up by another customer in front of their property.
Hey fucktard dog owners: When you tie a dog up in front of a public entrance you put people’s safety at risk. No one knows if your animal which is barking and growling will attack them.
If time is that precious to you that you can’t schedule a return trip for your pet before going to the store or wherever else, then it’s clear you can’t handle the responsibility of pet ownership. Turn your dog in at the nearest pound.
A super special type of idiot are the dog owners who leave their pets in the car when they go shopping. Oh, this is a super special type of stupid ass who deserves the backside of a hand to the back of their head for being so fucking retarded.
This is another brand of jackass who is “just stopping in the store for a minute”. Usually the minute turns into twenty or so as they peruse items and chat with friends. Meanwhile their dog is frying in the backseat of a car interior that’s over a hundred fucking degrees. These dumbasses don’t understand that cars turn into fucking broilers, especially in the summertime. Even if you crack the back window there isn’t enough ventilation in a car for a pet to breathe. Leaving a dog in the backseat can cause a dog to pass out, get brain damage and in extreme cases die from asphyxiation due to the lack of air.
Seriously, don’t leave any living thing in the back seat of a car to “stop in for a minute”. I’ve even read about babies and toddlers who have died due to idiot parents doing this stupid shit.
Sorry, but again, if you have a pet and you want to shop after taking them for a drive, there is no “stopping in the store for a minute”. If the store doesn’t allow pets (and most don’t due to liability laws) then it means you dog owner are taking TWO FUCKING TRIPS. One to take them back home and another to go shopping. So allot the fucking time lazy motherfuckers.
Then there are the morons who take their dog out for a walk and spend most of their time on a cell phone. I’ve run into this shit numerous times and it just makes me mad every time I run into it. I just want to take that phone out of their hands and ram it up their ass. Maybe then it’ll make them PAY ATTENTION.
Hey idiot, how about paying attention to your pet so they don’t wind up urinating or defecating on someone’s property? Or running into someone else with a bigger dog?
Then there are the imbeciles with the retractable leashes. Oh, these people are FUCKING RETARDED. They let their dogs run around everywhere and don’t PAY FUCKING ATTENTION. These idiots don’t understand that retractable leashes don’t give you the luxury of being irresponsible.
The worst thing is watching these idiots with these retractable leashes standing around on a cell phone. How this fucktard manages to breathe is beyond me. What the fuck could you possibly be fucking talking about that’s so fucking important at seven AM in the damn morning?
Hey dumbass, how about looking out to make sure your pet doesn’t wind up running into the street being turned into roadkill?
What really pisses me off are the stupid ass owners of vicious breeds like Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, who have a new baby. Their ignorance puts their children’s safety at risk. This is another group of idiots that deserve a backhand pimp slap to the back of the skull. Seriously, I have no idea why these morons are allowed to even fucking breed.
These people don’t understand that these breeds aren’t child friendly and family friendly Because of their territorial nature and the need for a clear line of authority, dogs in these breeds see babies as a threat to their place in the hierarchy.
I’ve heard too many horror stories about children who were mutilated, disfigured or killed because irresponsible dog owners who don’t understand that their life has changed. Aggressive breeds and children DO NOT MIX.
If you have babies and toddlers, the aggressive dog must going to a new owner or a pound and be replaced with a more passive dog like a cocker spaniel or a Newfoundland.
And I also get angry at the fucktarded dog owners who send small children to walk big dogs like Pit Bulls, Rottweiler, and other vicious breeds. I’ve seen children small as six who barely weigh eighty pounds being pulled around like a mule by these hundred plus pound dogs they can’t control. The stupid ass parents who own these dogs think they’re teaching their kids responsibility, but they’re actually putting their kids in danger and the public in danger.
Aggressive breeds like pit bulls, Rottweillers and Dobermans need a clear line of authority and a short leash. When they are in public are to be handled and supervised by adults, not small children.
Here’s a note to you fucktarded parents: If you can’t get up off your lazy ass and go out and walk that dog YOU BOUGHT AND ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR, then maybe you shouldn’t own it.
Most dog owners aren’t as incompetent as the people I’ve described. But the handful of idiots are making it hard for the responsible dog owners out there. And they make it hard for people they inconvenience with their reckless and irresponsible behavior. If you know a dog owner like this, show them this blog. These fools need to be checked and checked hard.
I do agree with you about this. Dog owners are very annoying. I live in an apartment complex, and these folks let their dogs pee and poop anywhere, places where people have to walk and travel. They are such narcissists. They don't care about anyone else, maybe that's why they have dogs as friends and children.