Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Planning a YouTube Video

This is only a Test. The real video will be much better (I hope)

I’m planning a series of video blogs for YouTube. It’s something new, something different for me. Normally I’m known for my work with words. I don’t know how people will react to seeing the man behind the stories.

I feel if people see my face and hear my voice it’ll give them a personal connection to me and my work. I feel that by forming a relationship with the public, it’ll give them a reason to check out my books and give them a try.

Content for the blogs will vary. I want to talk about stuff regarding my books at first, but I’m hoping to branch out to into making commentary about issues in the African-American community.

My only fear about doing a video is my voice. I’ve never been comfortable with the way I sound. While I’ve often been told I speak articulately, I often get a lot of heat about the way my voice sounds. I’ve often been mocked about the way I speak, and that makes me hesitant about pursuing this venture. I’m trying to overcome my anxieties.

I feel making a video series will help me get my message out and give me access to a larger audience of readers. So I’m trying to face my fears about speaking to the public before I make a video. Stay tuned.

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