Thursday, September 22, 2011

When a Black Sitcom is on the air…Black people have Jobs

On TV, reality shows are cheap to produce. But sitcoms are money in the bank. While these shows may cost between $2-$3 million an episode to produce, most of that money is spent employing people behind the camera and behind the scenes.

One season of a sitcom employs close to 300 people on set. These include:


Storyboard Artists

Script supervisors

Production assistants

Hair stylists


Makeup artists


Prop managers



Set Decorators

Camera Operators


Video editors

Lighting operators




And the following people also make money when a project is in production indirectly:

Trailer Rentals

Personal trainers

Record companies


Small local businesses

Magazine publishers


Retailers (when consumers buy products performers use in the show and music played in the background)


A scripted production like a Black sitcom means lots of jobs for lots of people. Union jobs, free-lance jobs, consulting jobs and temp jobs. Not to mention business for other small busineses.

And an African-American production means jobs for 300 brothers and sisters and thousands more Black and minority-owned businesses.

So when a Black television show or film goes into production it’s not just an opportunity for African-Americans to find employment, but to gain valuable skills that can lead to a career.

And when brothers and sisters support Black productions by watching the shows, buying the DVDs it keeps money in the Black community and continues to stimulate the Black economy.

I know how important it is to get African-American projects into production and how it impacts I would love to get the financing to All About Marilyn or All About Nikki into production so I can put some brothers and sisters to work. It’s a long term goal, but I’m working on it. Every book you buy takes me one step further to that goal.

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