Friday, July 8, 2011

Onixlink No More

I went to log on to to submit some articles. When I went over there I found out the site is gone indefinitely. I hated to see it go. It was a very well put together site and a great way to connect with other African-Americans.

I was offered the opportunity to be a feature writer after Howard White, the founder of read my blog last year. Onixlink was an up-and-coming social media site like MySpace and Facebook. The feature gig was for no pay but it was an opportunity for me to get my stuff published and reach a bigger African-American audience. Plus it was my opportunity to write a regular column where it’d be read by brothas and sistas on a regular basis. I’m glad I didn’t pass it up.

Being a feature writer was a big deal for me. I had my own column! Many of the articles were ones I posted on my own blog, but with better photos and a nicer layout. I was really impressed with the page layouts on the Black men in Dresses piece, The Black Church piece, The Eye Contact piece and the Montana Fishburne piece. Seeing the way my words were presented in those pieces, made me step up my game on articles like the tribute to Dwayne McDuffie and Salli Richardson-Whitfield pieces for the blog adding pictures to enhance the and enrich the story. 
I want to thank Howard White for the opportunity to post articles over at over the past year or so. It gave me the motivation to start writing more than one article a week and commit myself to a regular update schedule.

As one door closes another opens. Maybe I’ll get another opportunity to write for another African-American website in the near future. And maybe this time it'll be for pay.


  1. Don't know. But for the past two weeks they said they were shut down indefinitely, and for a month I haven't been able to post an article there.
