Monday, March 21, 2011

RAWSISTAZ Review of All About Marilyn

Below is the Rawsistaz Review of All About Marilyn

Present day, Marilyn Marie is a "has been" teen sitcom star. The cancellation of her show, All About Nikki, is the beginning of the many trials and tribulations she will have to endure in order to seek redemption.
As the screen play opens in the past, we are treated to Marilyn in character as Nikki Desmond. As the play continues in the present day, Marilyn is preoccupied with landing acting roles but feels rejection after rejection due to her age and the stigma of the character Nikki. She is relegated to roles as an extra. In dramatic fashion, a destructive incident occurs that literally transforms her as her life begins anew.
As a screenplay, ALL ABOUT MARILYN was an enjoyable and adventurous reading experience. The author James provided screenplay terminology which was helpful. The images were descriptive, the dialogue engaging, an effective plot, and an unexpected climax. ALL ABOUT MARILYN is moving, entertaining, and heartfelt; one that readers of plays will enjoy.

Reviewed by Dawn R. Reeves

of The RAWSISTAZ(tm) Reviewers

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