Saturday, September 18, 2010

Book #4 Teaser

The progress on Book #4 has been slow and steady. Really Really slow, but steady. Five years going on six. With the page layouts finished, I’m doing cover design now. Working out the Photoshop layouts for a second rough cover:

(cover is not final!)

And I’m really pleased with how it looks. The graphics for the logo look like something professional this time. I’d say this one looks bookstore quality! 

I DO NOT want to illustrate this cover! While I’m working on some drawings for the artist to work from, I’m willing to accept my limitations. I think a professional can do better work than I can in this area.

Temptation will be available Sometime around Early 2011. Not giving anything away on the plot, but it’s a fantasy novel. Think Devil’s Advocate meets Ghostbusters with a sprinkle of Vampire in Brooklyn. You’re gonna love it!

Next week will be a progress report with some exciting news about this blog! 

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